Me and White Supremacy 2022

A 28-Day journey towards becoming a BETTER ancestor

starts 3RD of May 2023

Emily Johnsson, facilitator

Emily is a self-leadership coach to changemakers. She believes in an equitable world where everyone thrives. This vision depends on self-leadership work where active anti-racism, de-colonial and allyship work is integral. Emily is an experienced space-holder who creates safe, boundaried and loving spaces where deep accountability, healing and integration is possible

Me and White Supremacy is a book and a 28-day journey created by the global changemaker and best-selling author Layla F. Saad.  

The primary force that drives Layla’s work is a passionate desire to become a good ancestor. Her purpose is to help create change, facilitate healing, and seed new possibilities for those who come after she is gone. The book is a contribution to this purpose.

To date, it has positively impacted the lives of thousands of people – we’d love for you to become one of them. When you heal and grow through the power of this work, you have the power to become an agent for change in the world. 

Me & White Supremacy is an activating and transformative self-reflective learning and unlearning process designed for white people to explore our personal relationship to white supremacy – a system that we, alive today, didn’t create or invent and likely don’t want anything to do with – but which we unconsciously uphold (whether we agree or understand that we do or not) and have been socialised into. 

It is this system that continues to hurt, kill and marginalise Black, Indigenous and People of Colour everywhere. It is this very system that also is hurting our living planet and threatening life on Earth. It prevents all of us from living from a deeper place of love and connection. 

This journey isn’t some festival of ‘liberal wokeness’ or a ‘charming book-club for snowflakes’. Rather, it is deep, courageous heart-wrenching and heart-opening work that requires you to show up, even when it feels utterly uncomfortable. It takes guts to come face to face with our own internalised white supremacy, understand that racism isn’t binary (that is, something we either are or are not) and look at where we unconsciously perpetuate harm, even when we have the best of intentions. This is particularly hard for any of us who feel we are ‘good people’, ‘haven’t got a racist bone in our bodies’ and ‘treat everyone the same’ – which is why it is even more important for us to show up fully and accept the invitation to look ourselves in the mirror. What makes it possible is doing it together.

Doing ‘the work’ is not for the fainthearted, but it’s truly one of the most important and rewarding things we will ever do. Layla calls it “love work”.

This is what being the change is truly all about.

We can’t wait to welcome you into our grounded, compassionate non-judgemental and safely held space

Together we hold a vision for all of humanity to thrive.

In Layla’s words: 

If you are a person who believes in love, justice, integrity, and equity for all people, then you know that this work is non-negotiable. 

Here’s to doing what it right and not what is easy.” 

With deepest Love, 


Is this journey for me?

This journey is perfect for you if you are a person born in a white body who can identify with ONE OR MORE of the following:

  • Want all of humanity to thrive
  • Don’t see yourself as racist
  • Don’t want to associate yourself with racist people
  • Feel that white supremacy is an extreme word 
  • Don’t understand what white supremacy has to do with you personally
  • Take the approach that “everyone is welcome”
  • Feel empathetic towards ‘racism issues’
  • Have Black or Brown / immigrant friends / colleagues / clients / staff / family members/ partners/ children
  • Don’t know any Black or Brown or Indigenous people or Immigrants
  • Have or have in the past had a fascination for Black people, Black culture, Asian cultures, Yoga or Indigenous cultures
  • Don’t ‘see colour’
  • Not sure what the difference between ‘not racist’ and ‘anti-racist’ is
  • Are curious about the more complex and subtle meaning of white supremacy and how it relates to you, your family, friends, work and the current situation in your country
  • Want to be a better equipped facilitator, colleague, friend, parent, manager or leader to talk about racism issues  
  • Are prepared to feel uncomfortable, unlearn and learn in a safe, non-judgemental and loving space
  • Want to become an even better ancestor
  • Want to raise your children or grandchildren to be wonderful ancestors
  • Want to live your values in real time, not just profess them

How does it work?

Join the journey now

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About Emily & White Supremacy

Emily is a space holder and self-leadership coach to changemakers. She has over 20 years experience in the field of human development, learning and growth, and leads the coaching and consultancy company Wish Tree since 2011. Her work centres around wholeness – whole humans, whole communities, whole organisations, whole ecosystems. A whole world. Her changemakership is therefore dedicated to clearing distortions and fragmentations that relate to our perceptions of separation.

Emily has been exposed to and ‘sat with’ systemic issues around race, racism, privilege and injustice her whole life. She was born in Camden, London, in the late 1970s to a Swedish immigrant single mum and spent her first formative years in a highly culturally and ethnically diverse setting. As a baby, Emily and her mum lived in a bedsit in a shared house with a Black British family. Her first memory of Father Christmas was of him as a Bangladeshi man. Emily’s mum worked with refugee families and in Children’s Homes in inner city London, and since she had no access to child care opportunities, Emily joined her at work. For a while, Emily had an older Black British foster sister called Debbie. She was very often the only white child in the community of children of which she was a part.

Emily moved to Sweden with her mum as a child and as a teenager became involved with, and led, antiracism youth work in her local town through her school and council-initiated networks in the 1990s.

Her mum, who was active in the peace-and- environmental movement and who had been involved as an ally in the civil rights movement in the US on her travels there, introduced her to Black feminist and activist writers such as Alice Walker, Toni Morrison and Audre Lord, and actively taught her about white privilege, white supremacy and the truth of colonialism. She was also taught about the importance of learning from Indigenous wisdom keepers in order to heal and evolve as humanity, and to (in those days) stop climate change.

In contrast, on her father’s side, Emily is of British Colonial descent. Emily’s grandmother was born in Zimbabwe to Scottish sheep-farmers. Her grandfather came from a poor English background but won a scholarship to Cambridge University to study law. As many young British men of his time who sought “adventure, a good job and travel”, Emily’s grandfather joined the colonial service in the final days of the British Empire, and served in several African countries as a high-ranking colonial officer. He spoke Zulu and Emily’s father spoke Swazi and Swahili before being sent to Britain as a child to attend boarding school, thousands of miles away from his parents.

Although Emily did not grow up with her father or his family, she eventually came to know them and have a relationship with them, which involved taking responsibility for understanding and healing her own familial and ancestral relationship to colonialism and white supremacy.

In this process, she came to see, feel and understand first hand and close up, the deeper psychological workings of the system of white supremacy, the colonial mind and its intimate links with narcissism, perfectionism, patriarchy and extractive economies and behaviours.

Between 2003-2015, Emily worked as a learning researcher and Access, Diversity and Inclusion enabler in the Arts & Cultural Sector, deeply rooted in the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Human Rights Convention. She worked across the U.K and Scandinavia contributing to a number of large scale change projects, self-evaluation initiatives, conferences and trainings such as “Access for All”, “Inspiring Learning for All”, “Belonging – the Voices of London’s Refugees”, “The West Indian Front Room”, “Kultur och Fritid för Alla”, “Vidgat Deltagande”, “In this curriculum I don’t exist”, “In between two worlds – London teenagers’ ideas about Black History, Belonging and being British” to name a few. She worked with a wide range of marginalised communities as well as with leaders and directors holding white privilege, facilitating necessary and brave conversations challenging the status quo.

Emily has worked across many cultures and languages around the world from Sri Lanka to South Africa, Costa Rica and India to Romania and Denmark, continuously reflecting on and challenging white saviour tendencies. In this process has come to observe how white supremacy and racism works differently in different countries depending on context and history.

In 2020, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, Emily became a loud voice in the Wellness industry by calling in leaders bypassing white supremacy through ‘love and light’ rhetoric, exceptionalism, colourblindness and virtue signalling. She closed down several online coaching circles because white participants were unwilling to dive deeper into their own internalised white supremacy, and rendered the spaces not only additionally unsafe, but traumatising for BIPOC clients. Her platform and large facebook community for coaches and wellbeing facilitators centred BIWOC-led anti-racism conversations as a response.

Emily is a skilled and fiercely loving coach and space-holder with many years experience of creating safe spaces for accountability, healing, integration and growth to take place.

She is dedicated to her own ongoing learning, healing and unlearning of covert white supremacy. Examples of this are continuous learning from a wide range of anti-racism educators, authors and activists from around the world.

This bio has not been written with the intention of centring Emily in the context of Me & White Supremacy, but to transparently share about her background, values, skills and experience in order for you to make a conscious decision to choose her as a space-holder, or not.

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+1 (234) 466-9764
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